Friday, July 23, 2010

What Is the First Step?

So after the initial meeting with Dr. Gatcha he said that he would like to help me and we set up an appointment with him so he could also meet an talk with Carol. He believes it is very important to have your spouse totally on board and supporting you, I found this to be very important also. At this meeting we also discussed the cost of the plan and a little more of what to expect. Dr. Phil and Bridget Gatcha are doctors of chiropractic so insurance does not pay a lot towards this treatment or the lab testing involved.
Before I go further I want to let everyone know that even though I am going to be pretty detailed of what I have done. The fix for me may not necessarily be the exact fix for you. One of Dr. Gatcha's main approach is every patient is different even though they may have the same symptoms. I believe this is what make this so successful. Our Medical doctors now just treat the symptoms with out finding the cause. This is why the extensive lab testing is needed. Basically finding out what made your body start rejecting insulin. So we found that for 6 months of treatment and labs would be would not be covered by insurance. this is our nations insurance problem, insurance companies will pay for Diebetic meds and complications of diabetes but won't pay for working to reverse diabetes. It did not take Carol and I long, even though we were not in the best financial position to handle that right then, to decide my health was more important and that we would find a way some how. I owe Carol deeply because one of things we had to do was cancel an upcoming trip to the beach this summer. We did find a company Chase HealthAdvanse that makes loans for these types of things and lets you pay back in 24 months with no interest. I mention this so you may use them if you need it. So we signed and we were off to the races.

So my true starting visit was Saturday May 1st. I first got the low down on my first step: a 21 day liver cleanse using the ClearVite system. This consisted of Apex Energetics product called Clearvite (which comes in Chocolate or Vanilla) powder to make a shake. The first 4 days you take a shake at breakfast, 3 days 2 shakes a day , the for 7 day you take 3 shakes a day, then back to 2 for 3 days then back to 1 a day. This has protein, minerals, and vitamins that help detoxify the liver. While doing this you must also eat Gluten free, wheat Free, and Dairy Free. Also, you can only eat Fish, Chiken, or turkey. During this 21 day cleanse I would also take some supplements made by Apex energetics. Metacrine-DX, Methyl-SP for liver support and Bilemin for Gall Bladder support, and a cream called Oxicell which helps against inflamation ( I have come to really like Oxicell). I also got xrays done of my neck and started adjustments. For the first 4 weeks I would come to the office twice a week. I also got my orders for Blood/Urine lab work, and kits for stool samples and salava test to send off.
Well I got started and got my Lab work done and samples sent off by the 4th. Now I wondered will I see results?

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