Saturday, July 24, 2010

First Results

Well as I mentioned previously I was starting off on my new life learning how to eat gluten/wheat/dairy free. Surprisingly it was not that hard. One trick to start is to go to Kroger or Publix Deli and get a pound of Boreshead turkey low sodium sliced up, boreshead does NOT inject their products with MSG. So if you get in a pinch for food you can make a turkey roll up. This really helped me as I was right in the middle of ball season and Umpiring games on week nights and tournaments on week ends. A couple of other helpful tricks for snack is always have a bag of nuts available and Larabars(I love the apple pie ones). After being on the program a week I notice how much better I was already starting to feel. I did not have stomach trouble. As a matter of fact I have not had to take 1 dose of Imodium or any other stomach medicine since May 1st 2010. My energy levels were beginning to rise and my blood sugar readings were starting to get below 200 for the first time in 3 to 4 months. Oh yea, Dr. Gatcha has forms that you use to track every thing you eat and drink, and track/chart blood sugar readings. I use to could not stand to take my blood sugar reading, but now I can't wait to find out how good it is. Dr. Gatcha also made me very conscious of when and how many times I ate per day. I made sure I would eat every 2 to 3 hours. Starting with Breakfast around 7:30am, Mid-morning snack around 10:30am, Lunch around 12:30pm, Mid afternoon snack around 3:30pm, Dinner around 7:00pm, and an evening snack around 10:30pm. Lot's of eating! But remember how I had spoke about being so hungry at night after dinner and could not get satisfied. Well most nights I would have to force myself to eat a handful of nuts at 10:30pm.
Now by the end of the first week my blood sugar readings were averaging from 130 to 160 and on May 7 I had a before dinner reading of 107 needless to say I was amazed. I then cut my Lantus shot down to 30 units from 60. The second week my blood sugar was still averaging 130 to 160 with a low of 104. I had not seen my blood sugar below 120 in I know over 5 years. By the end of the third week my blood sugar staying below 125 so I dropped the Lantus units to 10 and Metformin to 1000mgs. Also I should mention I was not exercising  at this time. I had ask Dr. Gatcha about exercises but he said no exercise yet the body needed to heal and that I should not put stress on it. But I was doing some umpiring which is some exercise but not aerobic. During this time I had also lost 11 pounds. During the 3rd week I also noticed being a little dizzy when bending over and coming back up, I found my blood pressure to be a little low so I stop my blood pressure medicine and kept a close watch on my blood pressure. At first it was 133 over 78 but came down to average 125 over 72. So I have not taken any more blood pressure meds. By the forth week I was no longer taking Lantus insulin shots and was just taking 500 mg of metformin. JUST FOUR WEEKS!!!!

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