Thursday, July 22, 2010

Drawing The Line in the Sand

First, let me give a little more background on myself. I am married to a wonderful woman, Carol, we have been married for 34 years. We have 3 wonderful children. Our oldest Jessica is about to be 30 and is a dental hygienist and owns her own home, our son C.J. is 23 and is currently working an internship at Southern Tracks and is working to be a recording sound engineer and is very talented, and our youngest Alyssa about to turn 20 is starting her 3rd year of college at UWG to become a middle school teacher. I lost my Dad when I was just 21 to a heart attack he was just 50. I lost my Mom to pancreatic cancer about 9 years ago she was 73. My Mom and Dad were excellent parents, and always put the needs of my sister and I first before theirs. I have tried to model my parenting skills after them but have come nowhere near as good as them. I was always very close to both of them, but my Dad and I had a special bond through baseball, football, golf and fishing we always did a lot together - I miss him a lot!. I am an IT Manager at a company I have worked with for over 17 years, I also umpire baseball for Rec, Travel, and High schools. Anyway I just wanted to mention these things to give you a small picture of where I am in life.

As I had mentioned in the previous post By April of 2010 I was taking 2000mg of metformin a day, along with 60 units of Lantus at night via shot. I also took blood pressure medicine. I had really been having a lot of stomach trouble for about the last 6 to 8 months. I would try to eat pretty good, but at night after dinner till midnight it seemed I could not get satisfied. I was drinking a lot of diet sodas, and diet Popsicles which contained aspartame. I was having to take about 5 to 7 tablets of Imodium every 2 to 3 days to keep from constantly running to the bathroom. I was pushing myself to do my job at work and to umpire baseball which I truly love to do. I never had energy to help my wife or kids when they might need me. If I was not at work or forcing myself to umpire, I was a couch potato it was all I had energy for. My feet had also started to have neuropathy and I was having pain in them. I really felt I was headed for a heart attack, stroke, or other fatal health problems. My blood sugar was once again hitting in the 200 - 280 range constantly. I could not stand to take a blood sugar reading. I had tried to exercise and loose weight but was not successful at dieting or constant  exercise. I was so frustrated I even had thoughts of why try just enjoy food, so what if it is killing you. I am a christian and strongly believe in God, and I strongly believe God cares about us and every aspect of our lives. I was praying pretty consistently to God asking for help with my problem, for strength to stop the over eating, to get my blood sugar ranges in control.
Well about the middle of April my wife happened to be watching Atlanta & Company and saw this :

Needless to say when I got home from work she told me about it and had written down the website . I would normally would have blown it off thinking no way this could be true just some one after my money, but I don't know something in Carol's eyes, a feeling I had, told me to check it out and when I did I felt very compelled to call and email to see if I could meet with Dr. Gatcha, I know now it was God leading me. So I went to a group presentation by Dr. Phil Gatcha at his office, where there were  myself and 10 other people, I filled out a form stating my problems, where I was in life, and what my motivation was. I listen intensely as he spoke of how they did extensive testing to find out exactly what my problems were and would put a plan together to fix the CAUSES of diabetes not the symptoms. I was on board with the idea. He also explained how they could not accept everyone but choose patients by motivation. For some reason after the presentation I was still filling out  a few things on the form and he came to me introduced himself and said I have a few minutes why don't you come back to my office and let's talk. Again God at work. Well, I explain to him my story and he ask me what was my motivation to get better. I said I feel if I keep on the same path I am on I will be dead in 10 to 15 years and My children although grown may give us some grandchildren in 10 to 15 years and I want to be a part of there lives. He ask me a question: Did you hear what just came out of your mouth. Yes I was ready to draw the line in the sand!

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